
Saturday, January 1, 2011

And so it begins -- Top 10 of 2010

One of these days I’ll stop saying “tomorrow.” Tomorrow comes and goes too quickly. So, my assignment to all the other day was to list your Top 10 of 2010? Did you do yours? Were you able to come up with 10? I got this idea from my therapist actually. See, I have a tendency to focus on the negative things in my life and around me. So, the assignment is to focus on what I have accomplished. I came up with quite a bit, but surprisingly NOT 10 things. Weird. I may have to think about this just a little longer. So, here we go.

My Top 10 of 2010

  1. Found a new job - I found out in March that the contract I was on was abruptly ending and that my company was going to terminate me. JUST - LIKE - THAT. I had 2 weeks to find a new job either somewhere else in that company or someplace else. Well, if they actually thought I was going to look inside a company that was going to let me go so quickly, they’re just crazy. So, I got on the phone with everyone I know and sent my resume me out to everyone and their grandmother. In less than 2 weeks I had me a new job. Whoo! It was a stressful 2 weeks but being unemployed in March 2010 would have been tragic.
  2. Lost 35 pounds - I can’t help but think I really wanted to lose more but I LOST 35 pounds and have managed to keep it off. With a few ups and downs but off nonetheless.
  3. Stellar Birthday - I turned 40 in June. I always thought that 40 would be a terrible depressing birthday like 30 was. I’m glad to have turned 40. For the first time in a long time the actual birthday day and birthday gathering wasn’t depressing. I’ve had so many disappointing birthdays I just assumed that 40 would be more of the same. I’ve turned a corner in my life. My life isn’t ending. My life has just begun. Looking forward to what the rest of 40. Having a June birthday means that I literally still have 1/2 a year before I hit the next birthday. So I still have time to do things with my 40. Looking forward to what 41 and so-on will bring.
  4. Crochet - I counted up the pictures of all the crochet projects that I create this year. I made 40 different projects. Actually, I think it’s more like 50 or 60 but I only got pictures of 40 projects. I made hats, scarves, dish clothes, pot holders, baby blankets and Christmas ornaments. What’s surprising, is that I still have a boat load of yarn leftover.
  5. Posting project patterns - I have created 3 unique projects. These are projects that didn’t come from a pattern in a book or on a website. So, I decided write up the patterns and post them online for others to use. Not that big of a deal, but I like the idea that someone my come across one of my patterns on Ravelry and make something or be inspired to make something unique of their own.
  6. Races - I participated in my first official 5K race on May 2010. This was a timed race. By runners standard, my time was awful. I walked the 5K distance and finished in about 1hr 32min. It was an exciting day. When I reached the end of the route, my whole body ached. I wanted to quit. I wanted to just go back to my hotel room and curl up. Then I rounded the last short bend and there were these people. Strangers. People who somehow knew I was there alone. These strangers were not about to let the heavy walker girl finish without someone cheering her on. So I crossed the finish line with about 10 people I’ve never met before and never seen again cheering me on. I was fantastic! I’ve done 3 races since. My time hasn’t increased greatly but every time I do one I get better and better. 
  7. Health - Well, at the risk of focusing on a negative, I’m not as healthy as I wanted to be BUT I am healthier than i was 1 year ago today. My BP is better, my blood sugar is better, my breathing is easier, my attitude is better and I’m sleeping better. It’s all good. (even if it isn’t as far or good as I wanted to be)
  8. Marathon - In a moment of insanity I registered to walk the Dick’s Sporting Good Pittsburgh 1/2 Marathon. I’m still not confident that I will actually be able to walk the 13 miles in 4 hours. I’m not even sure I can walk 13 miles in 1 day, but alas I’m registered and still focusing on it.
  9. Debt and Money - I’m still in debt (oops - that’s a negative) but I am making great progress in chipping away at it. I have eliminated all but 1 piece of debt. I’m still digging out of HELOC debt but it is the only piece of debt I have left. As part of the plan, I met with a financial counselor/friend who works for Primerica on the side. She did an analysis of my income, debt, savings, 401K, etc. She printed out this report that let me know that I’m on track for eliminating my debt and on track for retirement. Whoo! This was a relief. I’ve always wondered whether I was putting enough away so that 1 day I can retire.
  10. Class Reunion - I attended my 22th high school class reunion event. Being a generally self conscious person this was a challenge. Was I thin enough? Was I interesting enough? Would I lighten up enough to enjoy the night. I thoroughly enjoyed the night. As a result of going to this event, I am closer to some of these old high school friends. It was a fun night and I feel like I have actually gained a few new friends.
  11. Vacation - For the first time I went on a major vacation by myself. I spent a week in Nags Head, NC. I haven't felt confident enough to go on a regular vacation trip . It was a fun week. So much so that I already booked my vacation for 2011. I’m very much looking forward to taking the dogs with me again and heading to the beach year after year.
  12. Sold the BMW - This should probably be linked with the #__ above but it really is a special event. The decision to get rid of my BMW was a hard one. I really didn’t want to. I liked the way that car handled but since I didn’t drive it all the time, the battery was always dead and the check engine light was always on. This eliminated $18K of debt - instantly. Once I did it, it felt great. A huge weight taken off my shoulders.

OK. So that’s twelve (12) things. Not bad for a year in reflection. Should I rename this post since it's more than 10? Nah, let's just leave it at - I kicked some Top 10 ass in 2010.

2011 has begun. It's time to start building the Top 10 of 2011. What shall I do first....

1 comment:

  1. I think you had an AWESOME 2010! That is a whole lot of things accomplished, you should really give yourself a pat on the back.


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