
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

One Little Word 2010

A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything. It can be sharp and biting or rich and soft and slow.”  Ali Edwards

My women’s bible study group is doing a very special study this year.  It’s call the “One Little Word.”  It’s very interesting and personal study.  The idea is that we’d each pick a word that has special meaning.  In addition we would each pick another woman in our small group to be an accountability partner.

My accountability partner
I picked a woman I’ll call “L.”  We had just started becoming friends and I thought this might be a way for me to build a friendship with another woman.  I don’t have a lot of close friends and felt like God was opening up a door or window of opportunity for me.  I’m glad God and I picked L.  We actually have quite a few things in common and get along really well.  We both seem to struggle with very similar issues.

My One Little Word
I chose the word Transform as my word.  There are a lot of big and little reasons why I chose this word.  I have been working to transform myself for several years now.  I started a few years ago.  I began seeing a therapist.  That’s been a long road and a lot of hard work.  I think this year will be the hardest and most rewarding work.  I am committing to making changes for my health. I really want to look back at the end of this year and not recognize the person I was on January 1.  This is NOT a New Year’s resolution.  This is a lifetime resolution.  A lifetime commitment.  I want to be totally transformed.

I need God’s help with this.  I cannot do this on my own and he has brought many things in to my life to help me.  He has brought this study to my Small Group.  He has brought me an awesome accountability partner.  Most importantly, he has brought me the word Transform.

So, in my beginning study of the word I have come up with the following acrostic.  It is helping me to focus on my word and helping me to turn to God more.


I also chose a primary scripture that represents my word and my study for this year:

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing & perfect will. ~ 
Romans 12:2 [emphasis mine]

I am going to continue blogging about my word throughout the year.  A large focus of my topics will be on how I am or am not transforming.  I hope you enjoy the lessons I will be learning this year as much as I will be.

Be blessed and check back often for more about transforming.

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